Container for Solid Waste Steriale 60 Liters

Container Steriale with patented lid opening system. It offers additional features such as wheels of different sizes and foot pedal.


The Steriale container for infectious biological waste incorporates a patented lid-opening system designed to ensure safer waste handling.

It is available in a 60-liter version and in various colors, thus adapting to different regulations.

It also offers additional options such as wheels of different sizes and foot pedal.

Intended Use

This reusable container has been designed for the safe transport and storage of hazardous hospital waste or any other type of high-risk waste that is not sharp, perforating or blunt material.

Must be used in conjunction with other Steriale System products and components.


  • Each piece was manufactured with high resistance materials.
  • Lid with hermetic closing system patented by Steriale. Once closed, it cannot be opened until the container is sterilized.
  • QR code is added to the lid for container traceability.
  • It has two handles on the lid for easy carrying and handling.
  • All parts are stackable, facilitating storage and transport.
  • Easily washable.
  • It has wheels at the rear for easy transport.


Contains the QR code for container traceability, integrated directly into the Steriale software.

Available Colors

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Black
  • Green

Sterilization Method

  • Class B Autoclave


  • It is possible to customize the label to suit local legislation.
  • It offers the possibility of adding a foot pedal for hands-free lid opening.


Can be transported with the Steriale sterilization and transfer cart.

Steriale Transport Trolley

Patented Lid Opening Technology

Our patented lid-opening technology, in combination with the Steriale two-color bag, offers a superior level of safety in infectious waste management. Thanks to its heat-shrinkable tape system, the container lid only opens after sterilization, ensuring that there is no exposure to untreated waste. In addition, the closure of the bag occurs automatically, eliminating the need for direct operator contact from its initial installation on the container. This design minimizes the risk of infection and ensures safer, more efficient and contamination-free handling.


Technical Information

Material of the Container Polyamide with Fiberglass

Related products

Container Steriale System Telescopic Compactor, saves space, improving operational efficiency. Available with optional foot pedal to open the lid.

Double color bag with patented opening system for Steriale containers. It is available in 30, 45 and 60 liter sizes.

Class B autoclave for up to 2x 60 liter Steriale containers, with integrated GPRS system.

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