Container for Solid Waste Steriale 45 Liters

Container Steriale with foot pedal and patented lid opening system.


The Steriale container for infectious biological waste incorporates a patented lid-opening system designed to ensure greater safety in waste handling.

It is available in 45 liter version and in white color. Model with pedal.

Intended Use

This reusable container has been designed for the safe transport and storage of hazardous hospital waste or any other type of high-risk waste, which does not include sharp, perforating or blunt materials.

The operator should use the container with Steriale bags and, upon closing the lid, take it directly to a Steriale autoclave for proper sterilization.

Can be used with any autoclave starting with the 54 liter model.


  • Lid with hermetic closing system patented by Steriale, designed in such a way that at the first closing it remains sealed until the whole container is sterilized. Once the sterilization process is completed, the lid will open, allowing access to the sterilized waste and facilitating its subsequent disposal.
  • It has a foot pedal on the outer body, which allows easy opening and closing of the container while at the collection site, and facilitates the hermetic and secure closure of the Steriale container before it is taken to the autoclave.
  • Manufactured with high resistance materials.
  • Imperforable and resistant to perforation, both internally and externally.
  • Opaque, waterproof and moisture resistant.
  • Stackable for easy storage and transport.
  • It has a handle on the lid for easy transport.
Container Steriale of 45 Liters and container holder next to autoclave of 54 Liters


Contains the QR code for container traceability, integrated directly into the Steriale software.

Available Colors

  • White

Sterilization Method

  • Class B Autoclave


It is possible to customize the label to suit local legislation.

Container Holders

Our container and container holder system optimizes on-site infectious waste management. By leaving the container holder fixed, it facilitates the identification of stations pending refill.

The transportable container allows only the waste to be moved, reducing the amount of material in transit and improving operational efficiency.

In addition, by separating the structural support from the reusable container, we guarantee greater durability and a more efficient sterilization process.

The Container (top) is reusable and sterilizable. The Body with Pedal (bottom) is non-sterilizable, fixed at the collection site.


A = Porta Container with Pedal
B = Container
Dimensions in millimeters

Technical Information

Material of Container 2mm 1050 aluminum
Internal coating Teflon
Holder Material Container PP Plastic

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